Published On: November 19, 2021 Revised On: July 21, 2023

Guide to SEO for Ecommerce Websites

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in the success of any e-commerce website. Implementing effective SEO strategies can improve the website’s visibility in search engine results, drive organic traffic, and increase conversions. This guide provides essential tips and techniques to optimise E-commerce websites in Singapore for search engines.

Perform Keyword Research

One essential aspect of effective SEO involves conducting thorough keyword research. A study by Ahrefs revealed that an average top-ranking page tends to secure a place within the top 10 search results for approximately 1,000 other relevant keywords.

Informational keywords seek information on a specific topic, whereas commercial keywords indicate a user’s intention to purchase a product or service. To understand the intent behind a keyword, several methods can be used.

One approach involves analysing the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) for the given keyword to identify the types of content that rank highly. Examining Google Ads can also aid in identifying commercial intent keywords, as businesses often use ads to target users with purchasing intentions.

Numerous tools are available to facilitate keyword research and SEO optimisation for e-commerce websites. These tools prove valuable in identifying popular search terms relevant to the products or services the business offers.

Informational Keyword Intent

Informational keyword intent is a search query initiated by users seeking information on a specific topic or product. Such questions typically need more transactional value but contribute to website traffic and bolster its visibility. In response to these queries, offer informative content that addresses users’ inquiries that delivers value.

To cater to the informational keyword intent, understand the target audience’s search habits. Research topics pertinent to the business’s niche, crafting comprehensive guides and tutorials, and optimising existing blog posts for relevant keywords. Using multimedia elements such as images, videos, and infographics can enhance user engagement with the content. These visuals can help break up text-heavy pages while providing visual cues for improved comprehension.

Conducting thorough research on the informational queries the target audience performs helps create valuable content that appeals to them—natural language processing techniques like sentiment analysis and entity recognition aid in refining content efforts.

Commercial Keyword Intent

Commercial keyword intent has purchasing potential and contributes to sales generation for e-commerce websites. These keywords are used by prospective buyers who are prepared to purchase.

To get commercial keyword intent, analyse the SERPs (search engine result pages) and examine the Google Ads run by competitors. Another approach involves reviewing analytics data revealing conversions from specific search terms.

To optimise for commercial keyword intent, use the following recommended techniques:

  1. Employ targeted product titles and descriptions incorporating relevant adjectives
  2. Incorporate high-quality product images optimised with alt tags
  3. Optimise URLs to include pertinent information
  4. Implement structured data schema markup to furnish comprehensive details regarding the products or services offered

How to Determine Keyword Intent

Keyword intent can be informational or commercial, depending on the user’s search query. To determine keyword intent, analyse SERPs, Google Analytics and Google Ads.

Analysing SERPs

Data can be gathered through SERP analysis to measure and enhance e-commerce SEO strategies. For instance, studying top-ranking competitors’ featured snippets and meta tags provides insights on optimising SEO content based on selected keywords.

Observing the types of content displayed on SERPs helps identify the specific intentions behind users’ searches for particular keywords. Analysing SERP listings offers opportunities to identify gaps in competition. Dominate keywords by identifying low-competition keywords with high traffic volume.

Reviewing Google Ads

Analysing Google Ads reveals the top-paying keywords for commercial intent and buyer search patterns.  When analysing Google Ads for commercial intent, focus on the broad and exact match type. Paying close attention to the match type helps make deductions regarding the intent of the keywords easier, thus helping SEO content writing in the relevant category.

Reviewing Analytics

Analyse data derived from user behaviour, sales, and website performance. Monitoring user behaviour patterns, such as page views, shopping cart abandonment rates, click-throughs, and bounce rates. Google Analytics offers comprehensive insights into website traffic sources, enabling the identification of problematic areas and providing valuable data for making informed decisions.

On-Page Optimization for E-Commerce Sites

In this section, we will explore optimising site structure, product pages, category pages and the homepage to enhance website traffic and boost overall online sales.

Optimise Site Structure

To effectively optimise site structure, focus on key elements that enhance user experience and facilitate search engine crawling. An essential aspect is creating a simple and user-friendly navigation menu, ensuring visitors can quickly locate desired information. Optimising the internal link structure aids in establishing the hierarchy and relationships between pages, facilitating crawlability and ranking by search engines.

When optimising product pages, prioritise creating high-quality content and incorporating relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, URLs, and structured data. Additionally, utilise high-quality product images to create an enticing and visually appealing presentation.

Use persuasive calls to action throughout the site to drive sales and optimise conversion rate. Implementing buttons or pop-ups that urge visitors to take immediate action or seize limited-time offers can effectively motivate them to complete transactions.

Easy-to-Use Navigation Menu

The menu should prioritise ease of use and understanding, allowing visitors to navigate the site effortlessly. Here is a guide to the design of an optimal navigation menu:

  1. Use clear labels: Avoid confusing terminology or complex language in the navigation menu. Opt for plain and straightforward language that all users can easily understand.
  2. Limit options: To prevent overwhelming users, restrict the number of categories in the menu. Focus on essential core categories and relevant sub categories while designing the menu.
  3. Include a search option: Incorporate a search box that lets users find specific products quickly, avoiding browsing multiple menus.

Understand that not all users have advanced technical skills, making the design of a clean navigation menu for a good user experience. Also, to further optimise user experience, ensure the navigation bar maintains consistent placement across all pages. Always prioritise users’ needs when determining which categories and subcategories should appear in the navigation bar.

Optimise Internal Link Structure

Optimising the internal link structure involves organising the links within the website to prioritise the most important pages and facilitate seamless browsing for users.

Here is a guide to optimising internal link structure:

  1. Develop a clear site hierarchy, placing the most important pages at the top of the navigation menu.
  2. Incorporate relevant links within page content that connect to other products or services available on the website.
  3. Implement breadcrumb navigation to enhance user experience and enable easy movement between pages.
  4. Avoid embedding links into images or JavaScript, as search engine crawlers may need help to follow these links effectively.
  5. Monitor site analytics data closely to identify product pages with high traffic and strategically place internal links that direct users to those pages as appropriate.
  6. Regularly audit the website’s linking structure to ensure it’s relevant and accurate.

Excessive internal linking can overwhelm users and negatively impact their overall experience on the website. Additionally, external linking should be used sparingly to avoid diluting page authority.

Having a Mobile-Friendly Website

A website must function well and display correctly on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops. Optimising the site for users accessing it from smaller screens is essential to enhance the user experience.

A responsive design ensures a website can be read easily on any device. A mobile-friendly website adjusts automatically based on the device’s screen size, maintaining consistency across different platforms.

To ensure mobile-friendliness, focus on improving loading speed and user navigation. Utilise tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to identify and address common mobile usability errors, aligning with Google’s guidelines. This optimisation enhances both user experience and search engine rankings over time.

Consider incorporating clickable phone numbers for customers searching for products or services on their mobile devices. This feature enables easy communication between consumers and businesses, ensuring constant accessibility and fostering customer engagement.

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Optimise Product Pages

Optimising product pages involves optimising titles and descriptions with relevant keywords and structured data such as schema markup.

Optimise Product Titles & Descriptions

To ensure that product pages have unique, attractive, and structured content, use the following strategies:

  1. Use relevant and accurate keywords in the product titles. This will improve the visibility of products in search engine results and attract potential customers.
  2. Write unique and compelling descriptions for each product. Focus on highlighting the products’ features, benefits, and unique selling points to entice potential buyers. This will differentiate offerings from competitors and make them more appealing to customers.
  3. Avoid duplicate content. Duplicate content can negatively impact search engine rankings and user experience. Ensure each product page has unique content by avoiding repetitive descriptions, specifications, or other information. This will provide a fresh and engaging experience for visitors.
  4. Include product attributes and benefits in the illustrations. Use visual elements such as images, videos, or infographics to showcase your product’s unique features and advantages. This visual representation can enhance user understanding and create a more engaging and informative experience.
  5. Add persuasive call-to-actions (CTAs) in the reports to encourage conversions. Include compelling CTAs throughout the product pages, using persuasive language and emphasising the benefits or urgency of purchasing the product. This will motivate users to take action and increase conversion rates.

Use Structured Data

Implementing structured data helps search engines understand the content and context of products and pages. Product information can be provided using Markup language like Schema.org, including price, availability, reviews, and more.

The table below summarises important types of structured data necessary for an e-commerce website:

Structured Data Type Description
Product Describes a product or service
Offer Specifies the price and availability of a product
Review Provides customer reviews about products
AggregateRating Shows rating value based on multiple reviews

In addition to improving search engine visibility, structured data enables displaying of relevant information on the SERP page through rich snippets, increasing click-through rates. Ensure all pages implement structured data based on their structure and content type throughout the website.  By doing so, crawling bots from search engines can thoroughly understand products and enhance online results using structured data.

Optimise Category Pages & the Homepage

Optimising category pages involves streamlining and labelling categories to improve user experience and simplify shopping. Category pages serve as crucial landing pages for users. Thus, ensuring effective SEO practices, such as using keyword-rich heading tags and optimising meta descriptions, will increase search result rankings for a given category.

Table: Methods to Optimise Category Pages

Column 1 Column 2
Implement clear & concise labels for categories Use descriptive titles that accurately describe each category
Create relevant subcategories within larger categories Dividing more significant types into smaller sections with edge-to-edge subcategories
Display featured or sale items prominently Highlighting sales items to draw attention to them on the main page

The website’s homepage is a gateway to the online store, shaping customers’ first impressions of the brand. Ensure the homepage is visually appealing, easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and optimised for search engines.

To optimise the website’s homepage for better SEO results, ensure the site has well-written content that uses appropriate target keywords while maintaining readability and aesthetic appeal. Display all products or services prominently on the landing page, providing accessible links for easy navigation.

Technical SEO for E-Commerce Sites

This section will explore optimising site architecture and URL structure, site speed and performance, and site security to improve user experience and enhance search engine rankings.

Optimise URL Structure

With optimised URLs, search engines and users can easily understand the content of a page just by looking at the URL structure. This improves click-through rates and search engine rankings.

  1. Use keywords in URLs: Incorporate relevant keywords to indicate the page’s content.
  2. Avoid long and complex URLs: Keep URLs concise and straightforward, as lengthy URLs can be challenging for users and search engines to comprehend.
  3. Use hyphens in URLs: Instead of underscores, use hyphens to separate words in URLs. Hyphens are better recognised by search engines and improve readability.
  4. Establish a logical hierarchy: Structure the URLs to mirror the site’s navigation and create a logical hierarchy.
  5. Prevent duplicate content: Avoid creating multiple pages with identical URLs, as this can confuse search engines.
  6. Manage URL parameters: Identify URL parameters that search engines should not index. In Google Search Console, specify which parameters should be ignored. Additionally, use canonical tags to indicate the preferred page version with similar content.

Implement Canonical Tags

Canonical tags are HTML elements used to address duplicate content issues that arise from multiple URLs pointing to the same content. Implementing canonical tags helps search engines identify the primary URL and index the page appropriately.

Here are some critical considerations for implementing canonical tags effectively:

  1. Point to the correct version: Ensure that the canonical tag points to the preferred or canonical version of the content. This is typically the URL that search engines should index and display in search results.
  2. Ensure content similarity: All content versions should be similar or identical to the canonical version. This means the content should remain consistent across different URLs, er elements, including text and images.
  3. Monitor changes: Keep track of any changes to the website’s content or URL structure that could impact canonical tags. If changes are made, review and update the canonical tags accordingly to maintain their effectiveness.
  4. Improve loading times: Canonical tags help improve website loading times by eliminating duplicate content. Providing a single version of a page for search engines to crawl optimises server resources, resulting in faster loading speeds.
  5. Proper implementation: Canonical tags can be implemented manually within the HTML of each web page or through CMS platforms like WordPress. Follow the recommended practices for implementing canonical tags to avoid common mistakes, such as redirecting all pages to a single URL or pointing canonical tags to completely different URLs.

Use Robots.txt for Site Crawling

Robots.txt files involve creating a file on the website that communicates to search engines which pages to crawl and which should be avoided.

  1. Determine the pages to be crawled: Identify the pages for search engines to crawl and index.
  2. Create and upload the robots.txt file: Generate a robots.txt file and upload it to the website’s root directory using FTP or the file manager in the web hosting account.
  3. Customise the file instructions: Edit the robots.txt file to include specific instructions for each page or section of the site. This may involve disallowing access to certain pages, specifying the delay between crawls, or setting crawl limits.

Exercise caution when using robots.txt files to prevent blocking important parts of the site from being indexed. Continually review and adjust the file when necessary to ensure results.

Optimise Site Speed & Performance

Page speed is critical for e-commerce websites as it directly impacts user experience. Accelerating site loading times entails reducing the duration for a webpage to load and display its content fully. Faster loading speeds enhance the likelihood of users remaining on the site for longer, leading to increased conversion rates, more sales and higher revenue.

Improving site speed can be achieved through the following methods:

  1. Minimising HTTP requests reduces the files that require downloading when the page loads.
  2. Utilising content delivery networks (CDN) to deliver website resources from servers closer to users’ geographical locations results in faster response times.
  3. Optimising images by compressing them while preserving their quality and eliminating any unnecessary data.
  4. We are implementing caching to reduce page load times, which involves reusing commonly accessed webpage elements, such as logos or header images.

Minimise HTTP Requests

Reducing the number of HTTP requests the server makes is imperative to lower page load times. This can enhance user experience and improve the site’s search engine ranking. Here is a guide on how to minimise HTTP requests for an e-commerce site:

  1. Minimise images: Use CSS and SVG over images to keep page weight low.
  2. Implement lazy loading: Lazy loading defers resource downloading and lets above-the-fold content load faster.
  3. Use CDNs: Content Delivery Networks can keep cached versions of your site pages nearby, decreasing latency on repeat visits.
  4. Bundling files: Combining multiple JS or CSS files into one download reduces page loading time.
  5. Avoid hosting static resources on multiple domains: Multiple domains increase DNS lookups and slow page loading time.
  6. Clean up unused assets: Remove assets no longer used in the current coding version; this speeds up the process when loading pages.

Use Content Delivery Network

Content delivery networks (CDN) are a group of servers that distribute web content globally, reducing the load on the website’s server and improving loading times. By using a CDN, ensure that visitors receive the website’s content from the closest server to their location, enhancing the browsing experience.

CDNs can also help improve a website’s security as they work by replicating the website’s content across various servers worldwide. If one server fails or faces an attack, the other servers will remain unaffected, keeping the website online and secure.

To use a content delivery network (CDN), you can start by researching suitable providers that offer locations close to the customer base. Next, adjust the DNS settings to route traffic through the provider’s network. Finally, test and optimise the CDN setup regularly to maintain its efficiency.

Optimise Images

Customers want to be able to judge the quality and value of what they are buying, making high-quality product images a priority. Additionally, with search engines emphasising the visual elements of pages, image optimisation can significantly impact SEO rankings.

Invest in professional photography and use images that show products from multiple angles. Optimise images for web usage by compressing them without losing visual clarity. This allows for faster page load times while maintaining image quality.

Ensure that product images comply with industry standards on size and dimensions to prevent website slowdowns due to loading times. A way to help with this would be to hire a website design company in Singapore that knows when and where to use images throughout the site.

  1. Compress images using tools like JPEG Optimizer or TinyPNG.
  2. Choose the correct file format; PNG is best for graphics, while JPEG is ideal for photographs.
  3. Use descriptive filenames and alt tags that include relevant keywords.
  4. Ensure Images are Mobile-Friendly by resizing images as per device screen size.

Implement Caching

Caching involves storing frequently accessed data in a temporary storage area that the user can readily retrieve.

  1. Identify the items that require caching: This includes static resources like images, CSS files, JavaScript files, and other non-dynamic content that stays mostly the same.
  2. Analyse and choose the appropriate cache storage solution: Browser and server caching are two primary cache storage options. Browser caching stores static files on the browser, reducing the need to fetch them from the server on subsequent visits. Server caching involves storing cached data on the server side, which can be shared among multiple users.
  3. Configure and apply caching rules: Depending on the server environment and website platform, configure the caching rules accordingly. Set the expiration time for cached resources in the response headers for browser caching. For server caching, utilise caching plugins or server configurations to define caching rules.
  4. Test and analyse cached content: Run simulations and test the website with heavy traffic loads to observe the impact of caching.
  5. Regularly clean up cache files: Periodically review and clean up stored cache files based on their size, age, and usage patterns. This ensures that outdated or unused cache files only occupy the necessary storage space.

Optimise Site Security

HTTPS encryption ensures secure communication between the server and users, preventing any interception of personal information. Additionally, integrating a secure payment gateway assures customers that transactions are safe.

Optimising site security also means regularly scanning for vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks. It is recommended to enlist website security services like SiteLock or Wordfence to identify any potential security loopholes in a website.


HTTPS encrypts all user data, making it harder for hackers to intercept private information such as login credentials or payment details during transmission. This reliably prevents cyber-attacks that can compromise sensitive consumer and business information.

HTTPS adoption protects user privacy while maintaining the authenticity of website content and preventing unauthorised modification of web pages and resources. When used, the browser displays a green padlock indicating the validity of its SSL/TLS certificate. Switching to HTTPS improves SEO by ranking higher on search engines like Google since HTTP sites are downgraded in search results.

Implementing HTTPS involves acquiring SSL/TLS certificates from trusted certificate authorities, installing them on web servers, configuring domains, URLs, and redirects, and ensuring site-wide usage with no mixed content.

Using SSL certificates may have caused slower page loads because of encryption overheads. However, this issue can be fixed using caching plugins, adding additional server resources like CPUs, or upgrading RAM.

Use Secure Payment Gateways

To secure payment processing, use reliable and trustworthy payment processors. Opting for specific payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe will ensure the privacy and protection of customer information.

By using a secure payment gateway system, reduce exposure to online fraud cases related to credit cards. User data like cardholders’ personal information, billing address, and financial numbers are encrypted within the gateway’s system.

Complying with PCI Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) is also essential. Compliance ensures that end-users sensitive payment details are not available on unauthorised sites or servers that might be easily stolen.

Content Marketing & Link Building for E-Commerce Sites

In this section, we’ll explore methods to enhance search engine visibility with content marketing to engage visitors and build high-quality backlinks to signal the site’s authority and relevance to search engines.

Create High-Quality Content

Quality content is informative, engaging, and valuable to the audience. It includes well-researched facts, meaningful insights, and unique perspectives distinguishing e-commerce sites from competitors. Relevant keywords optimised in the content can help improve rankings on search engine result pages, increase visibility, and enhance user experience.

Integrating visual aids such as images and videos makes the content more appealing and effective. Shareable or viral content has an element of surprise or emotion that inspires the audience to share it on social media channels, thereby increasing organic reach.

To create high-quality content, conducting research helps understand the preferences and buying behaviours of the target audience. Developing a content strategy that focuses on industry trends, customer pain points, and frequently asked questions is essential.

Gathering customer feedback or reviews provides insightful information about what customers want to see as part of product offerings or educational materials. Engaging with social media audiences by responding to comments or posting poll questions regularly unlocks new opportunities for creating quality content.

Optimise Content for SEO

This involves incorporating relevant keywords and phrases that align with user intent into the content. Focusing on user needs and providing valuable information through blog posts and product descriptions.

When optimising content, using long-tail keywords with lower competition but higher relevance to the target audience is beneficial. Conducting a competitor analysis can help identify popular search queries and topics that can be incorporated into the content strategy.

Including high-quality images with optimised alt-tags helps improve the website’s relevance and enhances the user experience by providing visual aids. Sections like ‘Related Product Recommendations’ and ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ can add value to users and improve the purchase experience.

Balancing optimising content for search engines and providing a positive user experience is essential. Keyword stuffing, which involves excessively using target keywords, is not considered a quality optimisation technique. It can harm user experience and conversion rates.

Create Shareable Content

Create shareable content that engages the audience and drives traffic. Here are some strategies to generate highly shareable content:

  1. Trigger Emotions: Creating content that evokes emotions such as happiness, awe, or surprise tends to be more shareable. Emotionally rich content is more likely to be shared by users as it connects with them on a deeper level.
  2. Use Eye-catching Visuals: Incorporating eye-catching visuals such as images, graphics, and videos can make content more visually appealing and captivating. Visual content attracts more attention and engagement from users, increasing its shareability.
  3. Provide Value: Shareable content should provide value to readers. It can be informative tutorials, helpful how-to guides, or expert insights on a specific topic. Users who find your content valuable and informative are likelier to share it with others.

To successfully create shareable content on an e-commerce site, consider incorporating unique branding elements such as storytelling and showcasing your products with descriptive labels to create a digital storefront experience.

Developing a target audience profile based on their interests and preferences is essential when generating ideas for shareable content. This will help you create relatable and relevant content for your audience, increasing its shareability.

Additionally, the timely sharing of existing articles through social media marketing can attract significant attention from site visitors. This can also help generate relevant backlinks over time, contributing to higher rankings in search engine result pages.

Build High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are links on other websites that lead to the site, and search engines consider them as votes of confidence in the quality and relevance of the content. Here are some strategies to build high-quality backlinks:

  1. Create shareable content: Develop valuable and engaging content that others want to link to, such as infographics, tutorials, and expert guides.
  2. Guest posting: Write articles or blog posts for other websites in the same industry or niche. This includes a link to the website in the author bio or within the content itself.
  3. Broken link building: Find web pages with broken links relevant to your content. Contact the website owner and offer a replacement link to your relevant content.
  4. Pitch content ideas: Approach high-domain authority websites with content ideas or original research data. They may feature the content and provide a backlink if they find it valuable.
  5. Become an expert writer: Contribute to industry publications or authoritative websites. Include a compelling bio with a link to the website to establish credibility and gain backlinks.

It is essential to focus on building backlinks from authoritative websites in the same industry or niche. Building high-quality backlinks requires time, effort, and a strategic approach. Continuously create valuable content, engage with online communities related to the place, and establish relationships with other bloggers and website owners to explore collaboration opportunities for building backlinks.

Use Guest Posting

Guest posting allows for gaining visibility from a different audience and showcasing knowledge in a specific area. It increases brand awareness and drives quality leads to the site, consequently improving SEO. For effective guest posting, research blogs that align with the niche target market and have a high domain authority score.

Use strong internal links within the blog posts that naturally lead customers to relevant pages on the e-commerce site, increasing conversions and overall user experience. Adding professionalism and passion to the content produced for other blogs helps create brand imagery that people relate more closely to over time.

By collaborating with bloggers in the same industry, partnerships for long-term growth opportunities can be established, which are beneficial for customer conversion rates over time. Ultimately, guest blogging helps improve relationships between companies in related fields and expands reach into new markets through networking efforts.

Measuring & Analyzing E-Commerce SEO Success

Measuring and analysing SEO efforts involves setting up conversion tracking and goals to see how the website performs with the target audience. Use analytics to monitor and improve overall SEO strategy.

Set Up Conversion Tracking & Goals

This process helps track website visitors’ activities and measure whether they complete the desired actions. Here is a guide to setting up conversion tracking and goals:

  1. Identify goals: First, identify the desired outcome for website visitors, such as completing a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a form.
  2. Create conversion tracking: Use an analytics tool like Google Analytics to set up conversion tracking. Follow the instructions to generate the necessary tracking code or implement the tracking tags. Place these codes on the relevant website pages where conversions occur.
  3. Verify data accuracy: After implementing conversion tracking, verify the accuracy of the data in the analytics reports. Test the conversion tracking by performing the desired actions to ensure that it accurately captures the events. This step ensures that the conversion goals are set up correctly, and the collected data is accurate.
  4. Analyse and optimise: Regularly analyse the conversion data in the analytics reports. Identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Use the insights gained from analysing the data to optimise the website and marketing strategies. Experiment with different approaches, such as adjusting the website layout, improving call-to-action buttons, or refining marketing campaigns based on the findings.

In addition to tracking macro-conversions like purchases or sign-ups, tracking micro-conversions, such as clicks on specific buttons or engagement with crucial website elements. These micro-conversions provide insights into visitor engagement levels and help understand user interactions with different aspects of the site.

Use Analytics to Monitor and Improve SEO Strategy

Utilising analytics is critical for improving the search engine optimisation (SEO) performance of an e-commerce website. Analytics provide valuable insights into the website’s performance, allowing for data-driven adjustments and improvements to optimisation strategies.

Here are ways to improve SEO performance using analytics:

  1. Analyse Metrics: Use analytics tools to track metrics such as bounce rate, traffic sources, average session duration, and conversion rates. By monitoring these metrics, one can identify areas for improvement and measure the effectiveness of optimisation efforts.
  2. Identify Trends: Compare data from different periods to identify trends in user behaviour, website traffic, and conversions. This helps understand how SEO efforts impact the website’s performance and allows for informed decisions based on the data.
  3. Use Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a powerful tool that provides detailed insights into user behaviour on the website. It allows setting goals, tracking conversions, and monitoring search queries through integration with Google Search Console. Utilising the data from Google Analytics helps gain a deeper understanding of the audience and optimise the website accordingly.
  4. Monitor Keyword Rankings: Regularly track the rankings of target keywords using analytics tools or dedicated keyword tracking software. Monitoring keyword rankings helps assess optimisation strategies’ effectiveness and identifies improvement opportunities.
  5. Utilise Google Search Console: Google Search Console provides valuable information about how Google indexes the website and any issues affecting its performance in search results. This tool helps identify and fix crawl errors, optimise the website’s URL structure, and ensure that search engine crawlers can effectively crawl and index web pages.
  6. Adjust Strategies as Needed: Based on insights from analytics tools, adjust SEO strategies. This may involve optimising the website’s architecture, improving page content, or making technical changes to enhance search engine visibility.

Review Data Regularly

Regularly reviewing and evaluating an e-commerce SEO strategy ensures its success. This involves analysing performance metrics, identifying areas for improvement, and adjusting the approach accordingly. By doing so, an e-commerce business can stay competitive in the ever-changing digital landscape and achieve a stronger online presence.

Start by regularly tracking essential metrics like traffic, keyword rankings, conversion rates, bounce rates, and click-through rates to assess the effectiveness of the SEO efforts. Analyse the impact of any changes made to the site structure or content on these metrics. Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor and analyse data trends.

In addition to performance metrics, stay updated with industry news and changes to search engine algorithms that may impact the SEO strategy. Regularly check for broken links or other technical issues on the website that could hinder ranking or user experience.

Schedule regular review periods for the e-commerce SEO strategy, with specific goals for each period. Aim to optimise different aspects throughout the year, such as on-page optimisation, technical SEO improvements, link-building activities, or creating new content. This approach keeps the website fresh while providing users with valuable information.

By consistently reviewing and evaluating the e-commerce SEO marketing strategy, businesses can identify areas of improvement and adapt to the evolving digital landscape, ultimately achieving better search engine rankings, increased organic traffic, and improved user experience.


Optimising an e-commerce website for SEO requires a comprehensive approach encompassing various aspects. Conducting thorough keyword research and understanding the intent behind keywords is essential for effective optimisation. On-page optimisation plays a vital role in improving the structure and layout of the website, including site structure, product pages, and utilising structured data.

Technical SEO ensures the website is optimised for search engines through factors such as site architecture, URL structure, site speed, and security. Content marketing and link building are crucial strategies for driving traffic to the website by creating high-quality content and building relevant backlinks.

Finally, measuring and analysing the success of the SEO strategy allows for ongoing improvement and optimization, including setting up conversion tracking, monitoring keyword rankings, and regularly reviewing and assessing the overall strategy. By implementing and continuously refining these strategies, an e-commerce website in Singapore can enhance its SEO performance, attract more organic traffic, and drive conversions. Find out more here on a guide to E-commerce website development in Singapore.