Content Writing
Published On: May 11, 2020 Revised On: April 4, 2023

Content Writing Tips for SEO Blog Posts in Singapore

What is SEO writing?

SEO writing is a specialised form of digital marketing technique that focuses on optimising content for search engines. It involves researching and understanding what consumers are searching for and crafting content that answers those needs. Search engine optimisation also includes optimising titles, headers, and meta descriptions to make it easier for search engine crawlers to index content and rank it higher in the SERPs. Writing content correctly can help reach a wider target audience, increase organic website traffic from search engines, boost online visibility and generate leads

Why Is Writing for SEO Important?

SEO writing helps content rank better on Google, meaning it will be suggested earlier in search results. Studies have found that the number of clicks on pages heavily influences their position on the first page of search queries. The higher the number of clicks, the more likely the target audiences are to click on the page. SEO also helps to ensure content is engaging and relevant to readers, contributing to a positive user experience and encouraging people to return to the site.

10 Tips on Writing Blog Posts that Rank on Google in Singapore

The process of writing content blog posts can be one of the more time-consuming tasks digital marketers face. SEO can be the key to optimising the content to perform better on Google. With a few tips and tricks, learn how to write blog posts that are finely tuned towards achieving better rankings and organic traffic on search engine results pages.

Let us go through more in this article on SEO content writing tips!

Create the structure for the blog post

When creating a blog post structure, begin with an introduction to draw readers in and explain the topic. Next, create a body section where the main message of the original post is provided. A blog post structure should include relevant keywords that can help boost SEO rankings when used correctly. Finally, end the blog post with a conclusion to summarise important ideas and provide additional resources for further reading. While writing the post, ensure to break up long sections with subheadings and images to make it easier for readers to scan through quickly.

Use paragraphs and headings.

Appropriate use of headings and paragraphs can help break the original content into smaller, digestible chunks, making it easier for readers for search engine crawlers to assess the quality and relevancy of the page. Engaging headings can also help make the writing more accessible by allowing readers to quickly scan through topics they are interested in understanding. In addition, subheadings are a great way to insert keywords naturally and organically.

Doing proper keyword research

Keywords are the terms and phrases used by search engines to determine what the content is about. By researching and selecting the right keywords for the post, ensure that the article will rank well in search engine result pages. The best way to find relevant keywords is to use a keyword research tool such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush. These tools allow companies to find out what people are searching for and also give an idea of how vying each target keyword is.

Decide on the title of the blog post

The title should be eye-catching and bold enough to draw readers in, but it should also accurately reflects the post. When creating a title, keep it short and sweet – aim for 55-60 characters to ensure it does not get cut off in search engine result pages (SERPs). Make sure to include the target keyword or phrase so it can be easily acquired when people search for it online.

Write short URLs

Writing short URLs not only helps with readability and usability but also makes for a better user experience. URLs should include the target keyword so that search engines can easily find the post when people are searching for it online. Companies should aim to keep the URL under 60 characters since longer URLs get cut off in SERPs. Also, refrain from using numbers or other symbols because these can make future fresh content updates difficult.

Using redirects from longer URLs is another helpful technique to shorten them while including all the necessary information. For instance, companies can use a 301 redirect to move users from an old URL to a new one without affecting the search engine rankings. Redirects also allow companies to keep existing backlinks intact and improve the website’s overall link structure.

Write Human Focused Content

Writing compelling content to engage readers should always be the main focus of any search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy. Google is looking to serve the best possible results for its users, so having high-quality, reader-friendly blog posts that meet their needs should be every writer’s priority. Remember, quality is always better than quantity when it comes to content writing – focus on providing readers with helpful, relevant information they can benefit from.

Always clean up any typos or punctuation errors, ensuring it’s easy to read and keeping paragraphs short and punchy. Visual content such as images, videos, infographics or flowcharts can also help make fresh content more interesting and effective.

Write long content

With the introduction of the Google Panda 4.1 algorithm update, websites with meaningful and useful pieces of content have been rewarded, while those with thin websites with low-quality content have been affected. When writing long content, it is essential to provide a variety of ways to present the information. Long pages allow you to include lists, tables, images and other mediums to make it easier for readers to access and understand each piece of content. Additionally, having various options helps you pack more data into a single page without overwhelming your readers with text blocks.

Prevent keyword stuffing

Avoid keyword stuffing, and do not add keywords into sentences or paragraphs just for the sake of including them; instead, try to make sure that they fit naturally into the text. The best way to do this is to focus on a few keywords and include synonyms and related terms throughout the post. 

Keyword stuffing is when too many keywords are to the content to increase its visibility on search engine result pages. Not only does this make the piece of content unreadable and detract from the overall message, but it can also negatively affect company rankings since search engines will penalise pages for overloading keywords. Focus on creating informative and entertaining high-quality content for readers while ensuring the keywords fit naturally into the text. 

Keyword Stuffing

Optimise meta description

Meta description or tag provides search engine crawlers with a brief overview of the page, which can influence how it appears in organic search results. The description summarises the post and should be 200 characters long or less. Use competitive keywords within the description to help increase visibility, but stuffing keywords should be avoided.

Create a captivating meta description that will entice readers to click through and read the full post. It should also be informative, interesting and captivating so users are encouraged to click on the blog when it appears in search engine results on pages. To ensure the company’s meta description stands out, use numbers, symbols or special characters to grab attention and create a call to action for readers. Finally, update the meta description periodically, as search engines may show different versions of the same title in the search results.

Add alt text to images

The alt text describes the image in a brief sentence to help search engines understand why the photo is added. For example, if a photograph of a marketer attending a virtual SEO event, the alt text should read something like, “Marketer attending a virtual SEO event sits at a desk while holding a pen.”.

Alt text images help Google identifies what the image is depicting and makes it more likely that the entire article will appear higher in search engine results. Ensure to include relevant keywords in the alt text and keep it concise so it does not exceed 200 characters. 

Link to high-authority websites

When companies link to high-authority websites, it shows search engines that marketers have done their research. Reputable websites with strong domain authority can improve a website’s search rankings in the search engine results pages (SERP). When building external links, companies should include relevant anchor text that accurately describes the page companies are linking to and contains any relevant target keyword for the post. Do not forget to check that the website companies are linking to is credible and would not lead readers down a rabbit hole of misinformation.

Link to other posts

Internal links provide readers convenient access to additional information and resources related to what they just read that will keep them on the site longer, reduce bounce, and increase conversion rates. It also gives the search engine a better understanding of the piece of content and structure of the website.  Use natural language in the anchor text to make it sound friendly by using phrases that describe the internal link destination. Internal linking between web pages builds trust as readers recognise the blog post as an established source of reliable and valuable information.

Publish and track results

After publishing, track the results using different analytic tools such as Google Analytics or Search Console and optimise accordingly. Using these tools helps understand how much organic traffic the blog post drives from search engines, how long visitors stay on the page, where they click, and which pages convert better than others. Keep track of the keyword used in blog post titles and meta descriptions to understand their performance. 

Google Analytics


SEO content strategy aims to create relevant content optimised for search engine ranking and engages readers. By following these tips, write SEO-friendly blog posts that are interesting to read in Singapore. While researching the topic, using relevant keywords, and keeping track of performance metrics will help ensure a successful post for the target audience. It is important to remember that SEO takes time, but with dedication and consistency, eventually, you will start seeing positive results.