How to do SEO keyword research in Singapore blog banner
Published On: March 16, 2023 Revised On: December 18, 2023

How to do SEO keyword research in Singapore

Looking to increase visibility in Singapore’s search engine results? Knowing how to do effective SEO keyword research is the key to writing good content. Understanding the basics of keyword research can help to increase organic traffic and convert them into customers. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of doing keyword research in Singapore, the tools available, strategies for finding popular search terms, and much more.

Keyword Research Overview

Keyword research is essential to any search engine optimisation content marketing strategy and involves researching and analysing words and phrases when searching for business, product, or service information. By understanding and optimising the website content for keywords relevant to the target audience, improve search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic to the website.

When doing keyword research in Singapore, remember a few points:

  1. First, identify the language used by people in Singapore.
  2. Second, consider local search trends – what do people search for specifically in Singapore?
  3. Third, determine which keywords have high search volumes but low competition from other websites. Finally, create quality content optimised for these keywords.

Benefits of Doing Keyword Research

By understanding the language and search trends used by people in Singapore, businesses can create content optimised for relevant, valuable keywords – this improves their visibility on local search engines and drives more organic traffic to the landing page. Additionally, keyword research helps businesses identify low-competition keywords with high search volumes, allowing an edge over competitors.

Use keyword research and content maps tailored to the target audience’s needs audience, helping them connect with potential customers and build relationships with them. Keyword research is a powerful tool for any business seeking to generate content marketing leads.

Knowing the Audience

successful SEO keyword research starts with understanding the audience and the language they use to search online. By understanding their needs, interests and preferences, create content that resonates with them and gain trust within the target market.

Identify market trends, such as what topics are popular with the target audience and what words they use in their searches. This knowledge can then be used for content writing services tailored to their needs and interests, allowing you to build relationships and gain trust within the community.

Identifying Target Market

Identify the target market and develop relationships with the audience. To determine the target market, start by analysing the current and potential customers; their interests, preferences and behaviour should all be considered.

Consider the topics they’re likely to search for and the generic keywords they’re likely to use when looking for information related to the product or service. These insights can then be used to create content tailored specifically to their needs and interests, increasing the effectiveness of SEO keyword research.

Understanding User Intent

User intent is a crucial key concept and refers to the purpose behind a user’s search query, which can be anything from gaining information to purchasing. Understanding the user intent helps create content that is more likely to be found by the target audience and increases the effectiveness of search engine optimisation efforts.

To identify user intent, consider what questions the user might have when typing a particular query into a search engine and create content that answers those queries. Additionally, understanding user intent enables optimisation for both short-tail and long-tail keywords, as well as for local searches. Offer a good user experience with content tailored to the audience’s needs for higher local SEO Singapore rankings and visibility online.

Learning About Their Search Behaviour

By understanding how people search, identify popular keywords and create relevant content. Analysing search queries can also give insights into which topics are trending in the local market, allowing one to stay ahead of the competition. Tracking user behaviour over time can provide valuable information about which topics are becoming increasingly popular.

By monitoring and analysing user search engine algorithms and user behaviour, ensure that SEO efforts focus on the most relevant keywords and topics and achieve higher rankings in search engine results in pages.

Tools for Doing Keyword Research in Singapore

Many techniques and website analytic tools are available to help identify keyword ideas that the target audience uses to search for any solutions or services. Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a popular tool that allows marketers to enter a seed keyword and get related keywords, as well as their search volume and competition levels. SEMrush is another tool that provides detailed information about website ranking, organic search terms, backlinks, and more.

Other useful tools include UbersuggestAhrefs Keywords ExplorerMoz’s Keyword Explorer, and Wordstream’s Free Keyword Tool. These tools can help uncover relevant keywords that could give an edge in Singapore’s competitive online advertising market.

Google Ads Keyword Planner Tool

Google Ads Keyword Planner is a powerful, comprehensive keyword tool for SEO campaigns to identify relevant, profitable keywords, their associated search volumes, and keyword difficulty. This information can create effective SEO strategies to stand out from competitors.

Google Ads also provides insights into keyword trends to stay up-to-date on the latest topics the target market is searching for. This feature helps ensure the content is always fresh and relevant to people’s needs. It also allows the comparison of multiple keywords side-by-side to find the best ones for each campaign easily.

SEO Tools & Platforms

SEO Tools and platforms provide an array of features that enable marketers to research, analyse, and optimise a website’s performance. From keyword research tools to backlink analysis and competitor analysis, these platforms can help marketers increase search traffic.

One of the most popular SEO metrics tools is Google Search Console, which provides users a comprehensive overview of their website’s performance. The platform monitors website traffic, errors, crawl rate and more, helping marketers identify areas for improvement. Additionally, it has powerful diagnostic capabilities that can be used to troubleshoot any issues.

google search console

Google Analytics is another powerful tool allowing users to track visitor behaviour onsite. The platform shows how visitors interact with a website so you can make improvements that will result in higher conversion rates.

For larger campaigns and businesses, customised SEO software solutions can be extremely helpful in managing complex strategies across multiple sites or channels. Many solutions also offer reporting and analytics features that enable marketers to monitor their progress and adjust as needed. For WordPress sites, here is a guide on to rank in Singapore.

Overall, there are many tools available to help marketers maximise SEO efforts and improve the performance of their websites or channels. Marketers can optimise content by effectively utilising these platforms and drive more relevant traffic to their website or eCommerce store.

Paid and Free Keyword Tools

Paid keyword tools give marketers advanced features for conducting extensive keyword research. These tools often offer detailed analyses of search volume, keyword difficulty, competition levels, and related long-tail keywords. This data helps marketers identify the most effective key phrases to target in their SEO campaigns. Some paid services, such as competitor and link-building resources, may offer additional features.

Free keyword tools provide basic information on primary keyword search phrases, volumes and related terms. While they may not be as comprehensive as the paid alternatives, these free tools can still be useful when used correctly. For example, they often allow users to compare the performance of different keywords or track changes over time.

Many options are available for researching informational keywords and optimising SEO campaigns accordingly. Whether using paid or free tools, marketers must take full advantage of all the data these platforms provide to stay ahead in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Strategies for Finding Relevant Keywords

To ensure that SEO efforts yield the best possible results, it’s important to use strategies to help uncover the most effective terms and phrases.

One method is to begin by brainstorming a list of keywords on related topics and related search phrases. Consider what potential customers might type into search engines when searching online. Research competitors to discover relevant target keywords – check out their content, long-tail keywords, website pages, and even backlinks to see which terms are used in their campaigns.

Once you have an initial list of keywords, use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs Keyword Explorer to obtain more detailed information. With these platforms, analyse search volumes, competition levels and related terms to determine which phrases will generate the best results.

By following these strategies and utilising specialised tools, marketers can ensure that SEO campaigns target the most effective and relevant primary keywords in Singapore’s competitive digital landscape.

Brainstorming Ideas & Creating a List of Potential Keywords

Begin by researching related topics and words through competitor analysis, looking at the content they produce and their website pages, and checking their backlinks to see which terms are being used in their campaigns. Additionally, consider what potential customers might type into search engines.

Having understood the industry’s relevant topics and short-tail keywords, use keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to obtain detailed information about each term. These platforms can provide insight into the search volume, long-tail keywords, competition levels, and related terms associated with each keyword to help determine which phrases will generate the best results.

Brainstorm content ideas and create a comprehensive list of potential keyword databases before launching an SEO campaign.

Brainstorming ideas

Analysing the Competition’s Content & Strategies

Analysing the competition’s content and strategies is another important step in keyword research. By looking at what competitors are doing, understand which terms they target and how they use them to appear on search engines.

Reviewing their website pages, blog posts, short-tail keywords and other forms of content can help identify which keywords they focus on and the type of language they use to capture their target audience. Additionally, looking at their backlink profiles can provide information about the external websites linking to their content and which phrases they have been optimised with.

By analysing the competition’s SEO strategies and keyword phrases, businesses can better understand which keywords may be most effective for their campaigns and reveal potential opportunities, such as gaps in the market or terms that could be used more efficiently.

Utilising Long-Tail using Autocomplete Suggestions & Related Searches

Long-tail keywords are more specific than short-tail keywords, targeting a smaller, more niche audience. Short-tail keywords, on the other hand, tend to be broader terms that target a larger audience. Utilising both types of keywords can help marketers in Singapore reach their target audience effectively.

Another way to do competitive keyword research is to utilise autocomplete suggestions and related searches. Autocomplete suggestions appear when typing a search query into a search engine. By looking at these suggestions, you get an idea of what people are searching for and which terms may be worth targeting. Similarly, related searches offer other terms that could be used instead or in addition to existing ones to ensure that businesses take advantage of potential opportunities or user queries.

Analysing Monthly Search Volume, Competition Levels, and Commercial Intent of Potential Keywords

When doing keyword research in Singapore, it’s important to analyse the list of potential keywords’ monthly search volume, competition levels, and commercial intent to identify which words are worth targeting.

  1. First, use a keyword research tool to analyse monthly search volumes for your potential keywords. This will give you an idea of how popular the terms are in Singapore and how much demand there is for them.
  2. Check the competition level associated with each keyword to know how difficult it may be to rank for that term.
  3. Finally, consider the commercial intent associated with each keyword to understand whether users searching for that term will likely make a purchase or take another desired action.

Optimise Content Around the Most Profitable Set of Targeted Keywords

Optimising content with the most relevant and lucrative keywords ensures that the right audience sees your web pages. To optimise content around targeted keywords, use a keyword density calculator to determine the optimal number of times each keyword should appear on a page.

Make sure to incorporate the keywords naturally into the text so that it reads smoothly and doesn’t appear repetitive or spammy. Additionally, include variations or synonyms of your chosen set of words throughout the text for better readability.

Include other elements such as titles, subheadings, meta descriptions, and images to emphasise your webpage’s relevance for those keywords. It’s also important to ensure each page has enough relevant content – aiming for at least 300 words if possible – so search engines recognise it as valuable information, not just keyword-stuffed nonsense.

Tracking Progress with Analytics & Reporting Tools

Tracking progress with analytics and reporting tools to monitor the website’s performance and ensure it is visible to the right audience. By monitoring key metrics such as organic traffic, click-through rates, and conversions, determine which strategies work best and adjust them accordingly.

Analytics tools provide valuable insight and informational content on how people interact with a website – what pages they visit, how long they stay on a page, etc. This data can inform decisions on where to focus your efforts. Additionally, reporting tools help identify areas of improvement by giving information about the keywords that perform well and those that don’t.

By tracking progress with analytics and reporting tools, understand how effective current campaigns are for business goals. Refine and optimise content to resonate more effectively with potential audiences in Singapore.


In conclusion, SEO and digital marketing are powerful tools for any business looking to reach a larger audience in Singapore. With the proper organic keyword research, content optimisation, and analytics tracking, you can ensure your campaigns properly align with the goals.

By monitoring progress with analytics and reporting tools,  gain valuable insight into which strategies work best for you and ultimately refine them with SEO and digital marketing strategies effectively to achieve long-term marketing goals.

Proper keyword research and optimisation techniques can increase your visibility on Singapore’s search engines and gain more organic traffic. Knowing how to do SEO keyword research is essential to stand out among online competitors.

Understanding and optimising website content for keywords relevant to your target audience can improve search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic. At ARCC, we offer SEO services in Singapore. If you’re looking to improve your online visibility and search engine rankings, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact us for a consultation.