How to generate leads from content marketing ARCC Banner
Published On: June 20, 2022 Revised On: November 7, 2023

How to Generate Leads with Content Marketing

Lead generation is integral part of any business’s growth strategy for businesses in Singapore’s competitive market. Content marketing, which emphasises creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content, is a lead-generation strategy.

It moves away from direct sales pitches and instead focuses on engaging potential customers through information and storytelling that resonate with their needs and interests. Content marketing offers a way to build trust and authority, subtly guiding prospects through the buying journey.

Popular Platforms and Content Types

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn remain highly popular, making them channels for content distribution. There is also growing interest in video content, with platforms like YouTube and TikTok experiencing increased engagement, especially among younger demographics.

Content types that blend information with entertainment, known as “infotainment,” resonate well with the local audience. Educational content, user-generated content, and interactive formats like polls, quizzes, and live streams are increasingly popular for lead-generation campaigns.

Defining the Target Audience

The first step in content marketing strategy is to understand who the ideal customers are. This means going beyond basic demographics and diving into psychographics—understanding the values, interests, and lifestyles that motivate the audience’s buying decisions.

Are they professionals with a high disposable income, tech enthusiasts, parents looking for family-oriented products, or millennials drawn to sustainable living? Construct a detailed ideal customer profile by analyzing market data and direct feedback from existing customers to ensure the content is tailored to the people most likely to convert.

Singapore’s market is unique, with a diverse mix of cultures and a high level of education among its consumers. They are known for being well-informed and discerning shoppers, prioritising brand reputation and quality. Consumer preferences lean towards personalized and convenient shopping experiences.

There is a strong inclination towards mobile commerce, and as such, content optimized for mobile consumption tends to perform better. Understanding behaviours and preferences is essential to crafting a content marketing strategy that not only reaches the audience but resonates with them. By establishing the audience and what they care about, produce content that speaks directly to their needs, interests, and pain points.

Content Strategy Development

Build a strategy based on clear, attainable goals. For instance, rather than setting a vague goal like “increase leads,” a SMART goal would be “generate 20% more leads from content marketing efforts within the next quarter. Next, create a content marketing funnel. At the top of the funnel, the aim is to build awareness through informative and engaging content that captures the attention of potential leads.

As the consumer moves down to the consideration stage, the content should start to align with the consumers’ specific needs, showcasing the value proposition and differentiators of the offering. At the bottom, in the decision stage, content should be conversion-optimized, with clear calls to action and persuasive messaging that prompt the lead to take the desired action.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies

Effective SEO starts with comprehensive keyword research tailored to the local context. It involves identifying the terms and phrases that audiences use when searching for products or services in various industries. This step is crucial for creating content that aligns with user intent and regional search trends.

Tools such as Google Keyword Planner and local keyword research tools can provide insight into the popularity and competitiveness of these keywords. Beyond the volume and relevance, understanding the local language and incorporating terms where appropriate can also be beneficial.

Focus on local SEO and optimize for location-based keywords and ensure that business listings in local directories and on platforms like Google My Business are up-to-date and complete with accurate name, address, and phone number information (NAP consistency).

Collecting reviews from local customers can enhance a business’s visibility and appeal in local search results. Additionally, creating content that addresses local events, issues, or interests can help increase relevance and engagement with audiences, signalling to search engines that the content is a valuable resource for local users.

Content Distribution Channels

The key is to select platforms where the target audience is most active and engaged. For instance, LinkedIn is ideal for B2B content, while Instagram may be more suitable for visually appealing B2C content aimed at younger demographics. Each platform has its content preferences and best times for posting, which should be considered to maximize reach and engagement.

Email MarketingSegmenting email lists by factors such as consumer behaviour, demographics, or purchase history can increase the effectiveness of email campaigns. Personalizing emails with the recipient’s name, past interactions, and tailored content recommendations can significantly improve open rates and engagement.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with local influencers and businesses can amplify content reach and lend credibility. Partnerships with local businesses can result in shared content opportunities that benefit both parties, providing access to an engaged and relevant audience base.

Blogging: Write content that relates to the economy, technological advancements, social issues, or even lifestyle trends can resonate deeply with the local readership. Tapping into local festivities, events, or public policies gives a blog a strong relevance, encouraging sharing and discussion within the community.

A Beginner’s Guide To Email Marketing for B2B

Video Marketing: Short, engaging video content optimized for mobile viewing tends to see high engagement. Create how-to videos, product demos, and brand storytelling that align with local tastes and preferences. Live video sessions can also generate significant engagement, offering real-time interaction.

Infographics: They can be used to simplify intricate data, summarize research findings, or illustrate industry trends. When designed with clarity and shared across LinkedIn and other professional networks, they can quickly convey value and are readily shareable, making them a powerful tool for reaching a professional audience.

Case Studies and E-books: With successful stories, particularly those involving local businesses, companies can demonstrate expertise and understanding. E-books that delve into industry insights, offer in-depth guidance, or provide knowledge can attract leads by offering substantial value in exchange for contact information.

In addition to these channels, it is beneficial to consider other methods like paid advertising, search engine marketing (SEM), and event marketing for comprehensive coverage. Content should also be adapted to suit the nuances of each channel, whether it’s a short, catchy post for social media or a more detailed piece for an email newsletter.


By crafting and disseminating valuable, relevant, and consistent content, businesses can attract and engage a clearly defined audience, ultimately driving profitable customer action. The focus must always return to the core objective of providing value.

The content must serve the audience first, creating a bridge of trust and authority. ARCC specializes in developing targeted content marketing strategies to drive business lead generation across Singapore. Feel free to contact us for a complimentary, obligation-free digital marketing consultation to explore new opportunities.