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Guide on customizing a WordPress website

Guide on customizing a WordPress website

WordPress is renowned for its flexibility, and the content management system (CMS) offers website developers a variety of options for both front and back-end customisation, allowing options in design and functionality. The ability to create fully customised themes and plugins...
Front-end vs Back-end Website Development

Front-end vs Back-end Website Development

Websites comprise two parts: the front end, which users see, and the back end, which is the background code that supports the front end. Both front-end and back-end development are required so that websites run effectively, and their differences can...
Benefits of Website Maintenance in Singapore

Benefits of Website Maintenance in Singapore

Maintaining a website to ensure it is operating and performing at its best is essential, no matter the size of a business. A website serves as an online window into a company, which can significantly influence how people see the...
Essential tools for web development in Singapore

Essential tools for web development in Singapore

Web development tools have made significant advancements over the last few years. As a result, we can now take advantage of thoroughly proven libraries' strengths to enhance productivity and access more responsive design options when developing a website. Furthermore, we...
Guide to building an attractive website in Singapore

Guide to building an attractive website in Singapore

Based on statistics, 48% of online users voted that the design of a website is a crucial component in determining a company's credibility. The design of a website influences how visitors perceive a business or individual online, and a visually appealing website...
Differences between Web development and Software development

Differences between Web development and Software development

With the rapid growth of computer programming, many phrases used to describe different aspects of programming have not had the time to acquire consistent meanings. As a result, some of these phrases are frequently used interchangeably, sometimes causing misunderstanding. For...
Five Web Development Technologies Transforming the Digital Landscape

Five Web Development Technologies Transforming the Digital Landscape

Website development, commonly called web development are activities involved in creating, building, and managing websites and web applications to access information online via a browser. However, it might also involve database management, web development, and web design. Developing the features...
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