Basic Guide to Create Facebook Ads
Published On: March 17, 2022 Revised On: December 16, 2023

Basic Guide to Create Facebook Ads

With over 2.8 billion active users, Facebook is a platform for businesses, big or small, to reach a vast and diverse audience. With its vast user base, Facebook provides businesses with an opportunity to reach potential customers effectively in Singapore. What sets Facebook advertising apart is its targeting capabilities.

Rather than broadcasting a general message to a wide audience, marketers can tailor ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviours. This targeted approach ensures that businesses communicate directly with those most likely interested in their products or services, maximizing return on investment and improving overall ad efficiency.

Understanding Facebook Ad Objectives

Each of these objectives caters to a specific goal. Selecting the right one ensures that campaigns are tailored to resonate with the intended audience at their specific stage in the customer journey.

Awareness Objectives: These are designed to generate interest in a product or service.

  • Brand Awareness: Focuses on exposing the ad to an audience most likely to be interested in the brand. It’s about creating a memorable impression.
  • Reach: Aim to expose the ad to the maximum number of people in a target audience, regardless of repeated views.

Consideration Objectives: These are for users who are familiar with the brand and are considering what to do next.

  • Traffic: Designed to drive people to a particular destination, such as a website, app, or Messenger conversation.
  • Engagement: Seeks to encourage interactions with content, be it likes, shares, comments, or event responses.
  • App Installs: As the name suggests, this aims to get people to download an app.
  • Video Views: Focuses on getting more people to watch videos, be it trailers, demos, or other brand content.
  • Lead Generation: Aims to capture user information, like email addresses, from people interested in the brand.
  • Messages: Encourages users to initiate conversations with the business on platforms like Messenger.

Conversion Objectives: These target users are ready to convert or take a specific action.

  • Conversions: Designed to drive valuable user actions, like sign-ups or purchases, on a website or app.
  • Catalogue Sales: Allows advertisers to automatically show products from their catalogue based on the target audience.
  • Store Traffic: Aims to drive foot traffic to physical store locations by targeting nearby users.

Setting Up a Facebook Ad Account

Begin by logging into a Facebook account. If one doesn’t exist, create it. On the left-hand menu, find and click on ‘Ads Manager’. For new users, a prompt might appear to set up an account at this juncture. The platform will navigate the setup process. It’s crucial to follow each step diligently.

Next would be to set up business information. Provide the official business name and address. This establishes credibility and is essential for billing purposes. Set the operational time zone and preferred currency for billing. This ensures ad scheduling and budgeting align with business operations.

Facebook offers various payment methods like credit cards, PayPal, and more. Choose a preferred method and input the details. Setting an Ad spending limit is optional, but we highly recommend it. This ensures unintentional overspending is avoided.

Under the Ads account settings, assign roles if working with a team. Decide who can view, edit, or manage campaigns. Customize notification preferences to stay informed about ad performance, billing issues, or other pertinent updates. Setting up these preliminary steps can lead to more streamlined and efficient subsequent ad campaigns.

Choosing the Target Audience

Selecting the right audience ensures ads reach those most likely to engage, leading to a more efficient use of advertising dollars. Understanding and leveraging these audience types can impact an ad’s success. Making informed choices about who sees an ad ensures visibility and meaningful engagement.

Core Audiences: The core audiences feature is where most will start. It provides a foundation, allowing advertisers to narrow the vast Facebook user base into a more refined group based on several criteria.

  • Demographics: Factors like age, gender, education, relationship status, and job title come into play here. Targeting based on demographics ensures the ads are tailored to resonate with a specific group. For instance, a luxury watch brand might target older, affluent professionals.
  • Location: This enables advertisers to focus their efforts geographically. From entire countries to specific neighbourhoods, location-based targeting is essential, especially for businesses that rely on local clientele or those launching region-specific campaigns.
  • Interests: Facebook offers insights into its users’ interests, hobbies, and the Pages they engage with. An ad for hiking gear, for instance, could be directed towards those who have shown an interest in outdoor activities or have liked pages related to trekking and adventure sports.
  • Behaviours: A deeper level of granularity is achieved by targeting based on behaviours. This could range from purchase behaviours to the type of device a user is on. Such precision ensures that the ad reaches the most relevant audience subset.

Custom Audiences: For businesses that have already built a certain level of customer engagement, this offers a way to leverage that existing relationship on Facebook.

  • Website Traffic: By targeting users who have visited a specific website or certain pages within it, businesses can engage in effective retargeting. This means presenting ads to individuals who’ve already shown an interest in the product or service, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
  • App Activity: For app developers or businesses with significant app-based interaction, this feature is invaluable. Users can be targeted based on specific actions they’ve taken within an app, whether making a purchase, achieving a certain level in a game, or any other trackable behaviour.
  • Customer File: Uploading a list of contacts—email addresses or phone numbers—allows businesses to reach those individuals on Facebook directly. It directly bridges a company’s offline or email database and online advertising efforts.

Lookalike Audiences: One of Facebook’s standout features in audience targeting. It’s about expanding reach while maintaining relevance.

  • Introduction: By analyzing the attributes and behaviours of a provided audience, Facebook identifies and targets a new set of users with similar characteristics. Essentially, it finds users who “look like” the original audience.
  • Benefits: The potential for scale with Lookalike Audiences is significant. It finds new potential customers, ensuring that even as the audience size grows, the relevance remains high. It balances quantity and quality, providing a fresh audience that’s still likely to engage meaningfully with the ads.

Designing the Ad

The design and format of the ad play an integral role in capturing attention and driving desired actions. It requires a blend of strategic decision-making, creative flair, and an understanding of the platform’s capabilities. It’s essential to remember that every ad component, from its format and message to its visual design, holds significance. Each element needs to come together to craft an ad that doesn’t just capture attention but also inspires action.

Selecting an Ad Format: Every advertising message or story can find its ideal medium on Facebook, thanks to the diverse ad formats the platform offers. Depending on the content and objective, selecting the right format can amplify the message and engage the audience more effectively.

  • Image Ads: The beauty of image ads lies in their simplicity. A well-chosen, impactful image paired with a concise message can grab attention immediately and effectively convey a brand’s message.
  • Video Ads: Videos provide an animated window into a brand’s story or product. They offer a dynamic way to engage users, whether showcasing a product in action, sharing customer testimonials, or unfolding a narrative about the brand.
  • Carousel Ads: A unique format, carousel ads allow brands to showcase images or videos within one ad, each with its distinct link. It’s an engaging way to showcase a product range or dive deeper into a single product’s multiple features.
  • Slideshow Ads: Merging the concepts of video and image ads, slideshow ads use a series of images in a video-like sequence. They’re an excellent solution for audiences with varying internet speeds, offering a video-like experience without the bandwidth demand.
  • Collection Ads: Tailored for e-commerce brands, collection ads are a visual storefront. They display various products, letting users browse and even purchase without leaving the platform.
  • Instant Experience Ads: Offering a fully immersive experience, these mobile-optimized, full-screen ads can house a mix of videos, images, and interactive elements, pulling users into a captivating branded universe.

Crafting a Compelling Message: This message acts as a bridge between the brand and its audience, and articulating it with clarity and creativity is essential. The headline often serves as the first point of contact, necessitating it to be attention-grabbing, concise, and direct.

Building on this, the description provides more in-depth insight, elaborating on the headline’s promise and offering additional context or details. But an ad’s objective isn’t limited to just capturing attention; it aims to drive action. This is where the Call to Action (CTA) comes into play. A well-crafted CTA provides users with clear guidance on the subsequent steps, whether shopping, learning more, or discovering a new aspect of the brand.

Visual Design Tips:  Ensuring that these visuals are high quality is essential. Any compromise on the visual quality can diminish the ad’s efficacy and impact the brand’s perception. But quality alone isn’t sufficient. For visuals in Facebook ads to truly shine, they need to be consistent with the brand’s identity, maintaining a harmonious theme and aesthetic throughout.

Additionally, simplicity is key. Overly cluttered designs can dilute the message, causing distractions. The visuals should also be relevant, aligning with both the ad’s message and the expectations of the target audience. Lastly, in a predominantly mobile-first era, ensuring that these visuals are optimized for mobile screens is essential.

Budgeting and Scheduling

Effective budgeting and scheduling are crucial to ensure that Facebook ads not only reach their intended audience but also provide value for the money spent. They can significantly influence campaign performance. By making informed decisions in these areas, optimize reach and cost, ensuring that every dollar spent yields tangible results.

Choosing a Budget:

Determining an appropriate budget for Facebook ads hinges on multiple factors, including campaign objectives, target audience size, and the competitive landscape. Facebook provides advertisers with two primary budgeting options: Daily and Lifetime Budgets.

A Daily Budget sets the maximum amount an advertiser will spend on an ad set or campaign daily. This ensures a consistent presence throughout the campaign duration. On the other hand, a Lifetime Budget specifies the total amount an advertiser intends to spend over the entire duration of the ad set or campaign.

This allows for more flexibility, as Facebook allocates the budget dynamically based on optimal opportunities. Variables such as audience targeting, ad quality, and bidding strategies play a role. Additionally, external factors like the time of year, especially during competitive seasons like holidays, can drive up ad costs.

Scheduling the Ad:

Once the budget is set, determining when the ad should go live is the next step. Scheduling encompasses selecting specific run dates for the campaign, which could range from a few days to several months, depending on the campaign’s objectives and duration. But it’s not just about choosing start and end dates.

Advertisers also have the option to delve deeper into ad delivery optimization. By fine-tuning ad delivery settings, it’s possible to dictate how frequently the ad appears to users and at which times of the day it’s most prominent. This granular control allows for maximizing engagement opportunities, ensuring that ads reach users when they’re most likely to be receptive.

Measuring and Optimizing Performance

Keeping a close watch on various metrics allows for spotting trends, identifying areas of improvement and adapting strategies in real time. This could involve tweaking audience targeting to align with the desired demographic, adjusting ad designs based on performance insights, or reallocating budgets to bolster the most effective campaigns.

Facebook Ads Manager provides a comprehensive suite of analytics tools that offer detailed insights into an ad’s performance. These tools are essential for understanding user interactions, conversion rates, and overall campaign efficiency. Tracking these metrics allows for monitoring the return on investment and gauging the effectiveness of the strategies.

Various KPIs can provide insights into an ad’s performance, with some of the most crucial being click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and engagement metrics. Monitoring these indicators offers a clear picture of how users are interacting with the ad and whether the campaign is driving the desired actions.

A/B Testing Ads

One of the most effective ways to refine ad strategies is through A/B testing, commonly known as split testing. This process involves running two slightly different versions of an ad simultaneously to determine which one performs better. This direct comparison allows advertisers to isolate specific elements, be it a headline, image, or call to action, and optimize them for better engagement.

By testing different ad variations, garner concrete evidence about what resonates most with the audience. This not only enhances ad performance but also ensures resources are channelled effectively. When conducting A/B tests, it’s essential to change only one element at a time to ascertain its impact accurately. Also, tests should run long enough to gather a significant amount of data for meaningful conclusions.


Facebook advertising is a continuously evolving field. Prioritize adaptability and be prepared to refine strategies based on campaign outcomes. Continuous learning from each campaign’s results is essential for improvement. Regularly updating one’s knowledge about platform changes and user behaviours can lead to better, more effective advertisements.

In essence, the key to success in Facebook advertising lies in observation, adaptation, and iterative refinement. At ARCC, our digital marketing services, including Social Media Optimization (SMO), are designed to address these challenges. We stay updated with the latest shifts to provide effective strategies. If you aim for a robust digital presence, consider ARCC a partner. Reach out to learn more.